¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Î¸¶©ó2007-10-16 13:58µoªíªº: d|)ARRW ª©¤jªº¤ß±¡»P¾D¹J¡A¸ò§Ú«Ü¹³!!Á`ı±o¨Ãä³£¦³¤H~¥i¬O´N¬O¨S¦³"ªB¤Í"³o¼Ëªº¤H¦b¡A¦³®É³£Ä±±o§Ú¦Û¤v¬O§_¦³¯f!§Ú·Q¿Ä¤J¤H¸s¡A¤]ºÉ¤Oªº¥h°µ¥i¬O´N¬Oı±o¡A«ÜµL¤O!¦n¹³«ç»ò°µ´N¬O¤£°_²´~§Ú¤£µ½©ó©Ô¶ë³oÃþªº¨Æ....¦ý¬O!¤À¤ºªº¬O§Ú·|ºÉ¤O¥h°µ.....¬Û«HÁ`¦³¤@¤Ñ·|¦³¸ò§Ú¤@¼Ëªº¤H¥X²{^^
¤Þ¥Î ZJ_P= a+\s 0Qo< §Ú´M³V¯u·R¤w¤[ R"PO@v I've looked for love in stranger places ;Y(~'KF +T7FG_ ³Ì«á²×©ó¹J¨£¤F§A ,k/<Nv; But never found someone like you An !i +Nka,C^O" §Aªº¤@ÆI¤@¯º a3(f\MMxE Someone whose smile nSU7,K`PM u\UI6/ Åý§Ú¯«±BÄAË 6IM:Xj Makes me feel i've been holding back 9, 792b >[g'i+{ ¤Ñ°Ú µLªk¦Û©Þ 5{8,+ Z And now there's nothing I can do .ZH5^Sv$vp f P1fm §AÅý§Ú·Pı¦p¦¹¯u¹ê ¦p¦¹¬ü¦n wijY]$ Cause this is real, and this is good O,KlZf_B . J*2J(T, §AÅý§Ú±¡ºüªmÄË ~3m} EL It warms the inside just like it should aeF^&F0 ^kj%Ekt7 §Ú·R§A¨ì¥Ã»· {{_,YO^w But most of all :~9F/Jx Most of all, it's built to last q0 8 It's built to last w+tO@ iD9hqiX& ªB¤Í̤@¶}©l´N¬Ý¦n§ÚÌ n 6|\ All of our friends saw from the start V?cUQghHg 6@ )bZ| §Ú¬Ý «¥Ì´N¶¶À³¥Á·N§a rk(0w|zR+ So why didn't we believe it too? r7p>`>_Q\ yh Ymbu «z¶ë §A¤w¸g¯«¤£ª¾°¤£Ä±ªº Y~M H Now look, where we are _Msaub!N U z6XQskX ¶]¨ì§Ú¤ß§¢¸Ì *,DBRJ_*7 You're in my heart now lL:J: ;q$O^r~ ·Q¥²³o¤@©w¬O©R¤¤ª`©w Bhrp"l +| And there's no escaping it for you wA}+E)x/C yS-owtVCGF §AÅý§Ú·Pı¦p¦¹¯u¹ê ¦p¦¹¬ü¦n VIxcyp0X Cause this is real, and this is good z '%Vy 89)rss ¹ê¦b«Ü·Q¹ï§A²`±¡§i¥Õ ,*Yu~4 It warms the inside just like it should bdCpGG9 re/l5v,|3 §Ú·R§A¨ì¥Ã»· izi=`;=D^ But most of all W7"ks( Most of all, it's built to last vQ}llA h L1k_AC1.M fhmqO0 DP9hvu/85 ÁÙ°O±o¨º¤@©] &u_f:Pog Walking on the hills at night ,#r>#fi0 Hd)4_ uBt §ÚǺ©¨B·Ï¤õ·L«G·L«Gªº¤s©Y 5A6d] With those fireworks and candlelight ;[@< , ]f q.r §Ú¤ß·Q §Ú¨â¯u¬O¤Ñ¥Í¤@¹ï 3say&|kJ You and i were made to get love right 3B|o mPxph>o §AÅý§Ú·Pı¦p¦¹¯u¹ê ¦p¦¹¬ü¦n jC<!Ny-$ Cause this is real, and this is good D[)g-_3f6< 7PZ0 ¹ê¦b«Ü·Q¹ï§A²`±¡§i¥Õ _S#uxgL< It warms the inside just like it should x,z +l-y >_]j{}~\k §Ú·R§A¨ì¥Ã»· 2, ` =i But most of all lM5Xw Most of all, it's built to last kfBVF%90 FHI`/ §A´N¹³¤Ó¶§·Ó«G§Úªº¥@¬É o+(.Pb Cause you are the sun in my universe Llk4 =p PK5xnT: ¦³§A¦b¨®Ç §Y¨Ï¤Ñ¶ò¤U¨Ó¤]µL©Ò¿× |[?"$g9v Consider the best when we felt the worst ;K0kQ<y-Y J]~LmSh §Ú·R§A¨ì¥Ã»· Qd 1Q~PBla And most of all, most of all jYRwtP\ Most of all, most of all, }}v;V*_V Most of all. most of all |b52JF ", It's built to last