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¤Þ¥Î vBV_aB1{ 2+yti,s+/ He was a boy she was a girl, l4y>uZ>a G@U}4'V9 Can i make it anymore obvious '/3\bvZ w$aejz`[ He was a punk rnC<(f22 Wf=hFc1_@ she did ballet S~B{G T\M $PMD $c What more can I say 8Rnq &8A 10tt' : He wanted her, but she'd never tell >fp_$bjd juMHc$d17 That secretly she wanted him as well. %1rN6A!% 4 ;^ But all of her friends, stuck up their nose dK]#.. Wqe0m_7 They had a problem with his baggy clothes C\*0621 GK{~n # (-?i\i o),@I#fM Chorus [jTZxH< vAtR\Vh He was a sk8r boy, she said see ya later boy _8wT4|z5 -Zqw[2Q4 he wasn't good enough for her. 7=HpEc Fu65VLKh She had a pretty face but her head was up in space T!|-dYYI @4>?Y=# She needed to come back down to Earth Fyc":{Jd C^!~WFy [pz1f!Wn \7Fp@ .S3 5 years from now wpOM~!9R ZBjb f_M: she sits at home c22L]Sxo y7LM}dH#m feeding her baby she's all alone ;JX2ebx )_K:A(V> She turns on TV, guess who she sees -uB*E1|Q T/q*k)IoR Sk8r Boi rocking up MTV nz Klue gh%Q9Ni- She calls up her friends they already know D;Y2yc[v +Rq]_sDu They've all got tickets to see his show rR(\fX!dg fAD {sg She tags along J:\O .F#Fi ,1i l& Stands in the crowd Lp{/ :D:J_{HJ Looks up at the man that she turned down _:G>bU/^ [-1Yyy1} V""3#Tw nDXy$f8 He was a skater boy #ihHAiy3 E\VKlu4 she said see ya later boy `12Y2W 9 LHq*E` he wasn't good enough for her 9iGp0_J n&FRjq9y But now he's a superstar \m+;^_;5GW mnM$#%q;% Slamming on his guitar bRx}ih y9K'(/ Does your pretty face see what he's worth `W %R IKnXtydeI} m[A$Sp_"-h !H`uN He was a skater boy I_na^sh* =]0AZ she said see ya later boy JjHQn=3AJ 2bTM0- he wasn't good enough for her zC!Pb{IaH *YWk. But now he's a superstar CoM?cS S SoB6F9 Slamming on his guitar yu=(m~KX C oO0~q Does your pretty face see what he's worth G\ /L.T z5t"o ! ^j7]> I @;{iCVW Sorry girl but you missed out 6"La`}B(T8 8z*/J=n Well tough luck that boys mine now ^-K~y JPkI+0 We are more than just good friends ,kE"M1W ;h7O_|<% this is how the story ends Ufe@G\uyI 'h;x>r Too bad that you couldn't see <O]B'Wc [ I=}R Z9 See the man that boy could be jR{Rd}QtQ CM+/.y T There is more than meets the eye O-]^_LV` Yx<wYzD I see the soul that is inside KgEfhO$W *@[+C~U "y=AVO *x&y24 He's just a boy G1/ BY??X= and I'm just a girl 9E]7Etfw (c9!: Can i make it anymore obvious ??=7pFm $|}PL[aA# We are in love haven't you heard p`3$NCJN 3ypf_]< How we rock each others world :faB7wduW; d]QCk&XU u YJL^I8M' "QCVi R I'm with the skater boy 1<3! FK| q* I said see you later boy "SN+ ^` ?\![W5uuXG I'll be backstage after the show |iB svI: F9C3i I'll be at the studio K!_''Fg y,=TB[d# singing the song we wrote nN!R!tJPa ?FwjbG< about a girl you used to know E>O1dPZcM Q1?0]5 z+%74O"c (T Fo]c I'm with the skater boy #Vh$u%q3 IRl(H_. I said see you later boy Gu@Znh-D dNgjM Q I'll be backstage after the show `d.4L.], Yq0=4#_ I'll be at the studio bcC+af0L \h 1 T/_4 singing the song we wrote "4e{Cq mL[Y{t#N about a girl you used to know .>{I S4 ?br 4 wl Ug,23 YN 31Lo DB;Nr3x ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j DX%D8atrr ~6-6aYhe KHJk}]K 2%(RB4+ 26<Wg7/, ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¤¤Ä¶ºqµü: A%c)=(, Y;6%pm $ ¥L¬OÓ¨k«Ä ¦o¬OÓ¤k«Ä 58H%#3Fy Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a .WT^L2l% ¥L¬OÓÃe§J ¦o·R¸õªÝÁ¢ VPqMbr"L[ ÁÙ¦³½Ö¤ñ¥Ļó³t°tªº©O ' 5%`[& ¥L·Q°l¦o ¥i¬O¦o«o±q¨Ó Jh)K0>R ¨S¦³¨p¤U»¡¹L¦o¤]³ßÅw¥L d T*8I0\+ ¤£®Æ¦oªºªB¤Í̳£«D±`ź¶Æ K{x FhdW ¦o̹ï¥Lªº«±¦ç«±¿Ç«Ü¦³·N¨£ v9R"dc]0h <UMT:`h1MZ ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ <OC|z3na_ ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o &\/b(|> ¦oªºÁy³J¬üÄR ¥i¬O²´¥ú¤Ó°ª ~M4@hG! ÁöµM¦p¦¹ ¦oÁÙ¬O±oÅU¤Î²{¹ê¼h± u t4+c0 )mb RG9P ¤¦~«áªº²{¦b ¦o§¤¦b®a¸Ì d$(>=gzBQ ©t³æªº¤@Ó¤H¦bÁý«Ä¤l I{0bsTp; ¦o¥´¶}¹qµø ²q¦o¬Ý¨£¤F½Ö¡H ';0NWFP ¨ºÓ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦bMTV¤W«lºq¼ö»R 3 @7<e~f ¦o¥´¹q¸Üµ¹ªB¤ÍÌ ¦o̳£¤w¸gª¾¹D¤F f8'$Mn, ¦Ó¥B³£¶R¤F²¼n¥h¬Ý¥Lªºªíºt ';hTGLq\X ¦o§ÀÀHµÛ¤j®a¯¸¦b¤H¸s¤¤ <7%4= ©ïÀY¬ÝµÛ¨ºÓ³Q¦o©Úµ´ªº¨k«Ä U DC>iHt k;9"L90 ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ P.;S6i n ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o &RP}w%I1 ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P 4/Bn9F ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H 4fCg{ ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ VF<C#I ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o X)TUKt ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P >`@yh-'r ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H mzX <! 8{GRrwQ> «Ü©êºp©p¿ù¹L¤F¤j¦n¾÷·| AIXvS*Y, ¨º¨k«Ä²{¦b¬O§Úªº¤F ¦Ó¥B§Ṳ́£¥u¬O¦nªB¤Í N3`W%ws`~ ¬G¨Æªºµ²§½´N¬O¦p¦¹ ¯u¿ò¾Ñ©p¬Ý¤£¨ì i;Y@>-[e< ¬Ý¤£¨ì¨ºÓ¨k«Ä¥i¥HÅܦ¨¶W¯Å¥¨¬P 3oCw(Ff §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¤£¥u¬O¥Lªº²´·ú l< y9ue= §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¦Ó¬O¥LªºÆF»î ;I+"MY7D (BA2 ¥L¥u¬OÓ¨k«Ä §Ú¥u¬OÓ¤k«Ä {&Bpf K;`) Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a 8zRb)B+ §ÚÌ©¼¦¹¬Û·R ©p¨SÅ¥»¡¶Ü¡H Yv`8{_8L §ÚÌ·n¾Ù©¼¦¹ªº¥@¬É ab=s+[r1 §Ú©M·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦b¤@°_ §Ú¸ò¥L»¡«Ý·|¨à¨£ BI\+NGrB ªíºtµ²§ô«á§Ú·|¦b«á¥x @MV%&y*z. µM«á¥h¿ýµ«Ç°Û¨ºº§Ú̦X¼gªº /Lc= K< Ãö©ó¤@Ó§A»{ÃѪº¤k«Äªººq