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After dinner, Dad and I went for a walk, barking along the road. ¡§We¡¦d better go back, or Master would be worried,¡¨ said Dad, so we ran back. ¡§South, East, come here!¡¨ Dad ran quickly and licked Master¡¦s hand. Master giggled and knelt down to hold me. His arms were warm and tight; however, I did not feel uncomfortable at all. Professor touched Master¡¦s head gently and said: ¡§You should have your hair cut.¡¨ ¡§Am I?¡¨ Master replied. He put me down and held Professor¡¦s hand. ¡§May I ask you to be my hair designer?¡¨ Master smiled. ¡§Of course,¡¨ said Professor. And we went home. I enjoyed this evening very much.¡]¤pªF¡G¡q´²¨B°O¡r¡A¤Þ¦Û¡m¥v¤å¥¿¤½¥þ¶°¡n¡C¡^
Professor and Master were busy packing in the room. My wife Viola was feeding West, and I was sitting beside the window, imitating my wise dad. How much I miss him! Before long, Master walked out and talked to himself: ¡§We need to bring those white shoes.¡¨ I noticed that his eyes were still wet. Poor Master, to lose his beloved mother and my papa at the same time. ¡§There¡¦s just one of the shoes. Where is the other?¡¨ said Master. I was almost ready to help him to find the shoe, but my wife stopped me. ¡§Wait.¡¨ ¡§What?¡¨ I wondered. Viola seemed to be nervous. ¡§The other white shoe is in the yard.¡¨ ¡§What? Why is it in the yard?¡¨ I cried. My wife frowned and complained, ¡§Ask your son.¡¨ I sighed, bit West¡¦s hand softly, and went to the yard searching for that shoe. bY}:!aR<mK ¡§Here it is!¡¨ I took the shoe to Master right away, and saw my Master smiling. Alas! This was his first smile this week! ¡§Good boy,¡¨ said Master. ¡§This is Professor¡¦s favorite.¡¨ I looked at the shoes, wondering why those were Professor¡¦s favorite. Master makes shoes for Professor every year, but I don¡¦t see any difference of them. We dogs never wear shoes.¡]¤pªF¡G¡q¬B¾c°O¡r¡A¤Þ¦Û¡m¥v¤å¥¿¤½¥þ¶°¡n¡C¡^
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Viola is pregnant, so Professor and Master assigned me to stay home and take care of her. Yet I can¡¦t concentrate at all, just weeping and lying beside the window, and waiting for papa to come home. Before long, I hear a familiar sound. It is Master¡¦s car! I rush to the front gate, waving my tail and yell. They stop and get down from the car, with Professor holding my papa in his arms. ¡§Dad, are you all right?¡¨ I asked. ¡§I¡¦m fine,¡¨ said Dad, and he goes straight to the back yard. ¡§Come here, son.¡¨ Dad shows me a grey stone beneath the tree. ¡§Here buries my papa, your grandfather, King Shi the First. After I died, I would be buried here too, and so do you.¡¨ I know what it means, and I can¡¦t help sobbing. ¡§Good boy.¡¨ Papa licked my eyes softly. ¡§You¡¦re going to give birth to babies, and never let your wife and sons see you cry.¡¨ ¡§Yes, papa.¡¨ After that, I never fall a drop of tear in my whole life. ¡]¤pªF¡G¡q¬y²\°O¡r¡A¤Þ¦Û¡m¥v¤å¥¿¤½¥þ¶°¡n¡C¡^
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Today must be a good day. Professor woke up at 8:00 as usual, and Master had finished breakfast when he went downstairs. ¡§You get up early today,¡¨ said Professor. ¡§Yes,¡¨ Master replied, and he brought Professor to the dining table. ¡§Eat. And I have a gift for you afterward.¡¨ Master came to feed me, and my eyes kept looking at the box under the sofa. ¡§Hush, this is a secret between us.¡¨ I shook my head. A pair of shoes every year is not surprising. After breakfast, Master helped Professor to wear those shoes and kissed him. They¡¦d been kissing for so long, and I had to remind them of time, or they would be late to school. Finally they ended up, and I escorted them to the car. ¡§Professor and I will go to a movie tonight and eat outside. Take care of Viola and West, ok?¡¨ I promised with barking. They got on the car but started the engine late. I bet their lips just couldn¡¦t leave each other. ¡]¤pªF¡G¡q¥Í¤é°O¡r¡A¤Þ¦Û¡m¥v¤å¥¿¤½¥þ¶°¡n¡C¡^
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My papa was and always would be the smartest dog I¡¦ve ever seen. It is said that he could answer Professor¡¦s calling when he was three-month-old, and grip papers or balls when he was nine-month-old. Yet, while I praised him for his intelligence, he was so modest that he always attributed to Professor¡¦s education. One day, I quarreled with my wife Viola for food. My papa was old and weak then, but he was still wise enough to give me a lesson. ¡§Come here, son,¡¨ said him. ¡§Have my meal, and stop fighting with her.¡¨ ¡§These are yours, Daddy. Viola just took mine. She¡¦s so greedy!¡¨ Papa stared at me, ¡§I love you, son, so I¡¦m willing to give you my meal. Professor loves Master so much, so he cooks for him, washes for him, cleans for him, and drives him to school every day. Professor kisses Master up when the day begins, and holds his hand to sleep when the night comes. They go to school together, read papers together, do housework together, and they celebrate birthdays and holidays together every year. They seldom fight with each other, and Professor always surrenders when it comes to arguments. Now, tell me. Do you love Viola?¡¨ My face was so hot, half for shyness, half for shame. ¡§Yes, I do,¡¨ I answered. ¡§If you love her, give her whatever she wants and assure her happiness.¡¨ ¡§Yes, Daddy.¡¨ But I had one more question. ¡§And you, papa? Do you love mama? Why don¡¦t I ever see her?¡¨ Papa kept silent for a long while and finally sighed. ¡§I love her, but it¡¦s too late for me to understand. This must be the only thing that I didn¡¦t learn well from Professor.¡¨ I felt sorry for him. ¡§Promise me, son. Take good care of your wife and your future children.¡¨ That¡¦s the end of the conversation, and a few days later, Viola is diagnosed to be pregnant. ¡]¤pªF¡G¡q®a°V°O¡r¡A¤Þ¦Û¡m¥v¤å¥¿¤½¥þ¶°¡n¡C¡^