¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îmay©ó2009-01-28 22:00µoªíªº: \(3y7 D ¨S¦³¨}¤ßªº¯«µL¤ë¡A¤£¦ý¶Ë¤F¥l¥£ }HL]yDO ³ºµMÁÙ§â¥l¥£¥á¨ì¦a¤W¡A»¡³ßÅw¥l¥£®Ú¥»¬OÄF¤Hªº...bbb
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Î¦Ð梩ó2009-01-29 00:18µoªíªºRe:01.28 ¦B¨£ªá (¯«µL¤ëX²ö¥l¥£) 23¡A202F,¥Í¤l+¤H«~ ·V¤J @@: &w 4?)# ©MÃC®®¦âªº¤£¨ì¤@³¹ }Dp*}=?E «ç»ò¤S... x9NEFtqjm ½Áy¤F= =+ ?42<J%p ¯«µL¤ëÁÙ¥X¤â¶Ë¤F²ö²ö.. 8{Q<N%Jnu ¦n·Q§â¥L¦Q°_¨ÓÃ@¥´¤@µf!!
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Î¤l¦wªå¾í©ó2009-01-29 02:58µoªíªº: \Fl+\?~D ¯«¨û¦¼¤Ó¤í´~°Õ¡ã $GYm6x\4 ¦n·QÃ@§A¼Æ¤QÅX¤§§O°| Rn#KfI:{ PEc,l>u9 ²ö²ö´N¬O¦º¤ß²´¤FÂI ^F>cp ,x ¨S¨â¤U¤S°Ê¤â°Ê¸}ªº 8'n/?.7cX .......
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îorwell©ó2009-01-29 11:36µoªíªº: xAafm<L@! ²ö¥l¥£¦óW°õµÛ©ó¨s³º¬O¯«µL¤ë¡AÁÙ¬O·½ªZÂéO¡H $f,n8] ¦W¦r¡B¨¥÷«n¶Ü¡H³Ì«nªº¬O§A¦³¨S¦³·R¥L¡H 9V,!R{kO! ¥l¥£¤£n¦A³o¼Ë¤l°µÃµ¦Û¿£¡A¯u¬O¶Ë¤H¤S¶Ë¤v¡ãTT
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îmarillsnoopy©ó2009-01-29 13:49µoªíªº: lZyG)0t,g I guess the pass was too sweet so it is too hard to accept right now, although ¯«µL¤ë/·½ªZÂà are same. &LF` W chV9_(8 ·½ªZÂà is emperor. He need to take care lots things. ¯«µL¤ë is a normal people. ¯«µL¤ë can give ²ö¥l¥£ all, but ·½ªZÂà cannot. 1BAgtd$3 HS{(v; although ·½ªZÂà can give ²ö¥l¥£ lots stuffs, ²ö¥l¥£ does not care those stuffs. I think if ²ö¥l¥£ has chance to chose, he will chose to be an normal people. ·½ªZÂà uses his power to make ²ö¥l¥£ to do some things which ²ö¥l¥£ does not want to do. ·½ªZÂà and ¯«µL¤ë are same one, but from some points, they are not same~ because of ·½ªZÂÃ, ²ö¥l¥£ lost the chance to save his sister's son. Dq36p${\W .......
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îaiai07©ó2009-01-29 21:26µoªíªº: zOHypazOTq ²ö²ö为¤°?#24635;¬O©ñ¤£¤U©O,¯«无¤ë¸ò·½ªZÂéú©ú´N¬O¤@个¤H¹À,¤£©Ó认¤]¬O¨Æ实,