¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îmarillsnoopy©ó2009-02-06 03:11µoªíªº: A&lgiR*ObT =jv$ 1 8 8=c3^ I agree~ But ²ö¥l¥£ just hurts ªZ©Ó«Ò's heart. ªZ©Ó«Ò always hurts ²ö¥l¥£'s heart and body~ I think ²ö¥l¥£ is ªº²Ö¤F¤£·QÄ~Äò¦b¤H±¡»P·P±¡¡BªÀ½^»P¨p±¡¤§¶¡©Ô§è¤~·|¦p¦¹¥´ºâµÛÂ÷¶}~ He feels cool and tires. TYS\:ZdXF nTy,Jml "¤£¸Ó¬°¤FºÃ¥L¡A´N©ì¤W³o麽¤[" the love without trust, love is not love anymore. love is based on trust. Now I know why ²ö¥l¥£ would like to leave. and I like "¨º¤@®°¤ìªù¡A¹³¬O¹jµ´¤F¨âÓ¥@¬É¡A·½ªZÂÃÀRÀRªº¬ÝµÛ¥LªºI¼v¡A¤£ª¾¹D¬Ý¤F¦h¤[¡A²×©ó»´¹Ä¤F¤@¥y¡A¡§§A¦³¨S¦³n¸ò®Ó»¡ªº¡H¡¨ <