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¤Þ¥Î 6y%BJU.I rP2^D[uM. He was a boy she was a girl, 7w@.)@5 Vhz?9i6|g^ Can i make it anymore obvious OB6I8n XW kzLj1Ix2 He was a punk fF_1ZKx+#! Nq9Qsia& she did ballet @gE +T37x2 |;$fy- What more can I say G&/}P$ \&2GLBKpe He wanted her, but she'd never tell k1$|vzMh !g=,O6 That secretly she wanted him as well. k#JFDw\ q0`Vw% But all of her friends, stuck up their nose @K4}cP H^K(1 They had a problem with his baggy clothes 1^}()H62} #MHnJ lr +Kwve }!Qo wG Chorus :n0(g B /-^gK^ He was a sk8r boy, she said see ya later boy "LaNXZ9 P6i4Dr he wasn't good enough for her. s:*gjoL z+PSx'#} She had a pretty face but her head was up in space Iy8gQdI 7g She needed to come back down to Earth ^zsCF0 u-OwL1S+ =ub&@~E VG&|fekF 5 years from now nP 2 rN_:4 %lv2 ;- she sits at home "!E(=W? R!*UU'se feeding her baby she's all alone r5lp<md aNn <NW She turns on TV, guess who she sees *: e^yi o[+1O Sk8r Boi rocking up MTV C.8]~MP (G#)[0<fX She calls up her friends they already know k L*Q}) {(D$Xb They've all got tickets to see his show n@T4z.*~lA "h$A. S She tags along C~'}RM K+ ufcct Stands in the crowd iP|h] ;a+@ i&mu=J[ Looks up at the man that she turned down W>wE8? _, !uO|1b S$BwOx3QF 0RtqqNFD He was a skater boy {n$9o #96E^%:zL she said see ya later boy ,_u8y&<|I wbd>By(T1 he wasn't good enough for her IH}?CZ@{? g3LAi#m But now he's a superstar 'V 1QuSd cQ*:U@ Slamming on his guitar (cNT ud$ S@N&W&W#~ Does your pretty face see what he's worth Kk9 JZ[nT' 9p2"5x OR1XQij z[ z'.{;D He was a skater boy q/70fR7{v ;op+~@*! she said see ya later boy <gf:QX! r^WO$u|@i he wasn't good enough for her [rqq*_eB <wj2:Z0 But now he's a superstar 1i bQ'bZ 0/{-X[z Slamming on his guitar Mgcq'{[~Y= 53BXz= k Does your pretty face see what he's worth @hl5^d"l <| Xf4. (;~[}" 8{%/!ylJz Sorry girl but you missed out t!D=oBCro pOIFO=k Well tough luck that boys mine now dr,j~ s WDE_"Mm We are more than just good friends I[tU}oj P wqA5GK>m2 this is how the story ends ]$0{PBndW ;S,g&%N Too bad that you couldn't see <`-"K+e!J Zu&trxnNf[ See the man that boy could be x9-K}s]% 0 I;>du There is more than meets the eye (Clf]\_II zrnc~I+ I see the soul that is inside e!eWwC9u d 'x;]#S PCt&66F 0IQu6 X He's just a boy 6Oo'&3@ !l.Rv_o<O and I'm just a girl ,1^)JshZ~ zx#d_SVi Can i make it anymore obvious HAGWA2wQ ,A[HYc|uy We are in love haven't you heard Y*wbFL6` GN=F-*2 How we rock each others world g6 7* Bs [r^f5;Z ^Ud`2 OW;2 LT'#0dCC I'm with the skater boy 8b6:n1<fn R`TM@aaS: I said see you later boy ;#rtV; ~@itZ,d\ I'll be backstage after the show ->8n.!F} t@4X(i0 I'll be at the studio r~t&;yRv aL#b8dCy' singing the song we wrote IO v4Zx<) :V+t|@m5l about a girl you used to know mUnnk`v ='soSnT &^&k]JBaV b!7"drge: I'm with the skater boy x6:$lZ( eYsO%y\I I said see you later boy 5 0~L(< 6@Eip[e I'll be backstage after the show NbkWy <`6-J `. I'll be at the studio }o)GBWqHR m#%5H singing the song we wrote @["Vzg!I6" sjShm about a girl you used to know Z~$& h .>CqZN,^ ;'=!Fv ?P"ht 1iF |t5>e ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j &?zJ|7rh@| *pI3"_ ly,d = We9C9)0 -*?a*q/#nQ ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¤¤Ä¶ºqµü: YW/YeID hnE@+(d=qJ ¥L¬OÓ¨k«Ä ¦o¬OÓ¤k«Ä '<1T>|`/t Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a 3+n&Ya1 ¥L¬OÓÃe§J ¦o·R¸õªÝÁ¢ fa<83<.D ÁÙ¦³½Ö¤ñ¥Ļó³t°tªº©O ,`-6!|: ¥L·Q°l¦o ¥i¬O¦o«o±q¨Ó '%K,A-7W ¨S¦³¨p¤U»¡¹L¦o¤]³ßÅw¥L /6L\`\g ¤£®Æ¦oªºªB¤Í̳£«D±`ź¶Æ `' 6]Z* ¦o̹ï¥Lªº«±¦ç«±¿Ç«Ü¦³·N¨£ CXA)Zl5# ].:S!QO ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ _Vp9Y:mX2 ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o NUx%zY ¦oªºÁy³J¬üÄR ¥i¬O²´¥ú¤Ó°ª ^dqyX( ÁöµM¦p¦¹ ¦oÁÙ¬O±oÅU¤Î²{¹ê¼h± _CI! 7% 'lIT7MK ¤¦~«áªº²{¦b ¦o§¤¦b®a¸Ì 8 wC3}U ©t³æªº¤@Ó¤H¦bÁý«Ä¤l vK2L"e ¦o¥´¶}¹qµø ²q¦o¬Ý¨£¤F½Ö¡H b.ow0WYe ¨ºÓ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦bMTV¤W«lºq¼ö»R $ n 7dIE ¦o¥´¹q¸Üµ¹ªB¤ÍÌ ¦o̳£¤w¸gª¾¹D¤F dc%+f ¦Ó¥B³£¶R¤F²¼n¥h¬Ý¥Lªºªíºt gX6'!}G8] ¦o§ÀÀHµÛ¤j®a¯¸¦b¤H¸s¤¤ Lxd*W2$3_ ©ïÀY¬ÝµÛ¨ºÓ³Q¦o©Úµ´ªº¨k«Ä K*CO%:,- ^pZ(^ ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ e ~*qi&,4 ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o S ._9 ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P z@<`] ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H +J+]P\: ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ f4X?\e GT ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o uCUQxFp ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P HjV83S; ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H Xg.\B1d T7!a@ «Ü©êºp©p¿ù¹L¤F¤j¦n¾÷·| m0un=>{ ¨º¨k«Ä²{¦b¬O§Úªº¤F ¦Ó¥B§Ṳ́£¥u¬O¦nªB¤Í X3RpJ#m"' ¬G¨Æªºµ²§½´N¬O¦p¦¹ ¯u¿ò¾Ñ©p¬Ý¤£¨ì 3haY{CEr ¬Ý¤£¨ì¨ºÓ¨k«Ä¥i¥HÅܦ¨¶W¯Å¥¨¬P (x?A#o>% §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¤£¥u¬O¥Lªº²´·ú 3go!P]) §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¦Ó¬O¥LªºÆF»î R.>/%o <qHwY. ¥L¥u¬OÓ¨k«Ä §Ú¥u¬OÓ¤k«Ä w 7=Y_ Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a (lEWnf=2h §ÚÌ©¼¦¹¬Û·R ©p¨SÅ¥»¡¶Ü¡H 9[$g;}w §ÚÌ·n¾Ù©¼¦¹ªº¥@¬É IVEvu3 §Ú©M·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦b¤@°_ §Ú¸ò¥L»¡«Ý·|¨à¨£ c67O/ B( ªíºtµ²§ô«á§Ú·|¦b«á¥x |h6)p;`gc µM«á¥h¿ýµ«Ç°Û¨ºº§Ú̦X¼gªº G^ n|9)CVW Ãö©ó¤@Ó§A»{ÃѪº¤k«Äªººq