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¤Þ¥Î 6n\z53Mk /JubiLEK He was a boy she was a girl, 3,L3C9V' Wd56B+ Can i make it anymore obvious EvQwGt1)P M6iO8vY He was a punk 2qMsa>~ [RPAkp she did ballet Pph8"`mv.m ~!:S p_y What more can I say Evq Ai/(g =Z .V+ 4+ He wanted her, but she'd never tell 2, "q_d'V pNE\@U|4E That secretly she wanted him as well. ]ZzG!7 oA;Ty7s But all of her friends, stuck up their nose k;_KKvQ 6$fnQcpJ They had a problem with his baggy clothes {_XrZ(y/ m_!vIUOz G k"L%Zt) "G9'm Chorus "R2t&X[9 j H.Ju|nO He was a sk8r boy, she said see ya later boy !\#Wk0Ku p=_XMh`; he wasn't good enough for her. ?(/j<,m^ 8\)U|/A7 She had a pretty face but her head was up in space B(\r+" PB IFrb}yH She needed to come back down to Earth ,d>X/kd|o &H4uvJ_< {nQ)4.e6 71l"m^Z3zy 5 years from now RJRq` T|m ~S^X"8(U she sits at home ?VZ11?u |ON&._`LH feeding her baby she's all alone yD[zzEuQ 8{G?92 {rN She turns on TV, guess who she sees k~1j/VHv d2A wvP Sk8r Boi rocking up MTV 2fzKdkJhe NDRW She calls up her friends they already know xz"Z3B nrTv=*tDj They've all got tickets to see his show .lvI8Jf~X ,l$NJt She tags along i!Dh&XT (}{_]X|e Stands in the crowd *U;4t/( F<yy>Wf Looks up at the man that she turned down y8w0eq94 &\1'1`N1 }iua] 4| QGH h; He was a skater boy (!ZQ Vl{~@G, @ she said see ya later boy aJ:A%+1 ]~ !XiCqu he wasn't good enough for her 83KfM!w QFW0KD`5 But now he's a superstar t1e4H=d> &GdL 9!hH Slamming on his guitar xdd:yrC `E3:;| Does your pretty face see what he's worth ^uyN v-'F 8W~lU~- {q&@nm40 klgv{_b He was a skater boy 8To7c |Du,UY/ she said see ya later boy (jM<T;4 3<c*v/L{C\ he wasn't good enough for her 1P_Fe[8 bnijM/73 But now he's a superstar [O^}rUqq i{gDW+N Slamming on his guitar IWAj Mwo ;"1/#CY773 Does your pretty face see what he's worth h ZoC _\ L)q`D2|' QTVa U?8i'5) Sorry girl but you missed out 3PfiQ|/b fC_zX}3 Well tough luck that boys mine now xM&EL>m>L c#=&!FRe We are more than just good friends /sy-;JDnsu YMi/uy this is how the story ends ('=Z}~ f,|QAj=a Too bad that you couldn't see f[x~)= y'^F,WTM See the man that boy could be 'r~8 P"b8!k? There is more than meets the eye /K f L+"^| Gc wt7~ I see the soul that is inside UL&}s_ sTiYf 2zhn`m N8VVGPa He's just a boy 4iwf\# C?/r; and I'm just a girl )`^ /(YG >z QNHSi Can i make it anymore obvious C#0brCQq3 6Z Xu,ks} We are in love haven't you heard " rsSW3_ ^CUSlnB\( How we rock each others world vHS2q > DY8(g=TI|1 sdrWOq 8&%Cy'TIz4 I'm with the skater boy "e@n:N! h(nj,X+ I said see you later boy J smB^ 8fh4%#,C% I'll be backstage after the show 4Ac}(N5D@ #BsW I'll be at the studio /[%w*v*' W2hA-1 singing the song we wrote "kU] `;$h'eI9 about a girl you used to know gX^ PSsp ;g+]klR! QjJfE<h P_&p=${ I'm with the skater boy 6Cv.5Vhx &))\2pl I said see you later boy -%,"iaO N'QqJe7Z I'll be backstage after the show 8eN7VT eb %m`zWg- I'll be at the studio Rk A8 FqZgdmwR singing the song we wrote {n&Uf{ -uj3'g(;w about a girl you used to know 9 I{/zKq 35_)3R) DW>ES/B8$( bq NP#C R%"K ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j O,'#C\ Ac`;st%l. A[)C:q, "%@v++4y R/~,i;d> ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¤¤Ä¶ºqµü: "VTF}#Uo |>+uw|LtZ ¥L¬OÓ¨k«Ä ¦o¬OÓ¤k«Ä #K|9^4jt Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a ||Y<f * ¥L¬OÓÃe§J ¦o·R¸õªÝÁ¢ ]iVLHVqz ÁÙ¦³½Ö¤ñ¥Ļó³t°tªº©O I2[]A,f, ¥L·Q°l¦o ¥i¬O¦o«o±q¨Ó R5(T([w' ¨S¦³¨p¤U»¡¹L¦o¤]³ßÅw¥L >{nH v) ¤£®Æ¦oªºªB¤Í̳£«D±`ź¶Æ T$P-<s ¦o̹ï¥Lªº«±¦ç«±¿Ç«Ü¦³·N¨£ Wekqn!h [_.n$p- ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ E ]f)Os$ ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o t)a;/scT ¦oªºÁy³J¬üÄR ¥i¬O²´¥ú¤Ó°ª Fe!9y2Mg ÁöµM¦p¦¹ ¦oÁÙ¬O±oÅU¤Î²{¹ê¼h± FFvCi@oT ,b|-rU\ ¤¦~«áªº²{¦b ¦o§¤¦b®a¸Ì +>tUz D ©t³æªº¤@Ó¤H¦bÁý«Ä¤l #{PmNx%M ¦o¥´¶}¹qµø ²q¦o¬Ý¨£¤F½Ö¡H tJU-<{8 ¨ºÓ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦bMTV¤W«lºq¼ö»R v&;:^jJ8 ¦o¥´¹q¸Üµ¹ªB¤ÍÌ ¦o̳£¤w¸gª¾¹D¤F Ow/@Z7~ ¦Ó¥B³£¶R¤F²¼n¥h¬Ý¥Lªºªíºt z9 ($. ¦o§ÀÀHµÛ¤j®a¯¸¦b¤H¸s¤¤ m3 -9b" ©ïÀY¬ÝµÛ¨ºÓ³Q¦o©Úµ´ªº¨k«Ä /X#z*GX (CE7j<j ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ QJBr6 ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o ~ap2m ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P fY W|p<Q0 ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H {x@|VuL= ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ E=w3=\JP ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o ,={t8lN ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P RE"^ )- ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H .%}+R|g =.Tv)/ea «Ü©êºp©p¿ù¹L¤F¤j¦n¾÷·| Yj3I5RG ¨º¨k«Ä²{¦b¬O§Úªº¤F ¦Ó¥B§Ṳ́£¥u¬O¦nªB¤Í WNy3@+@GZ ¬G¨Æªºµ²§½´N¬O¦p¦¹ ¯u¿ò¾Ñ©p¬Ý¤£¨ì m9":{JI.w ¬Ý¤£¨ì¨ºÓ¨k«Ä¥i¥HÅܦ¨¶W¯Å¥¨¬P K7(MD1tk §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¤£¥u¬O¥Lªº²´·ú g0R[xOS| §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¦Ó¬O¥LªºÆF»î ;_+uSalt ;['a ¥L¥u¬OÓ¨k«Ä §Ú¥u¬OÓ¤k«Ä ',=g; Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a bGmx7qt# §ÚÌ©¼¦¹¬Û·R ©p¨SÅ¥»¡¶Ü¡H GbZ;#^S §ÚÌ·n¾Ù©¼¦¹ªº¥@¬É S#l5y%& §Ú©M·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦b¤@°_ §Ú¸ò¥L»¡«Ý·|¨à¨£ F- rQ3 ªíºtµ²§ô«á§Ú·|¦b«á¥x PK2~fJB µM«á¥h¿ýµ«Ç°Û¨ºº§Ú̦X¼gªº I'!/[\_ Ãö©ó¤@Ó§A»{ÃѪº¤k«Äªººq